East Tennessee Military Affairs Council: (865) 637-4550



Army National Guard
278th Armored Cavalry Regiment

3330 Sutherland Ave
Knoxville, TN 37919
Phone Number: (865) 582-3204
278th Armored Cavalry Regiment

415th Engineer Detachment
1334 E. Weisgarber Rd.
Knoxville, TN 37909

489th489th Civil Affairs Battalion
1334 E. Weisgarber Rd.
Knoxville, TN 37909

logo_844_crest844th844th Engineer Combat Battalion

logo 844 crest1334 E. Weisgarber Rd.
Knoxville, TN 37909

1st Engineer Battalion (AUS-RES)
105 Blue Bell Way
Franklin, TN 37064

1-230th Assault Helicopter Battalion
2111 Army Drive
Louisville, TN 37777
Tel: (865)985-4605
BB: (865)207-2149

Army National Guard Aviation Support Facility #2
2111 Army Drive
Louisville TN 37777-6300
Tel: (865) 336-4620

If you want to receive emails from ETMAC on military/veteran events taking place in East TN, please email Patrice Collins to be added to ETMAC's email list.